Catalogue of Trainings

Supportive Partners

The Vision of Digitization

The training project has a holistic approach, ie it deals with the issue of digitization from an organizational and technological point of view, together giving great emphasis to the role of the entrepreneur, since technological changes always imply strategic and organizational changes.
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Website Technology: Others
Durations: 4h to 8h

Topic Roadmapping

Topic Roadmapping is used to support the management of technology and innovation activities. It helps to explore ideas in a resource and time efficient way, starting from an idea, to develop an action plan in a very effective way. Roadmapping is a flexible method and a highly visual tool that helps address the issues of dialogue exchange and interaction. The Topic Roadmapping templates incorporate guidance that a facilitator would normally provide, in order to minimize intervention and empower groups to organize their own strategic discussions to develops such action plans.
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Website Technology: Others
Project: IfM Education and Consultancy Services
Durations: 1-3 days, 3-5 days

Training Course in Computer Networks

The objective of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge on the operation of TCP/IP computer networks.
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Website Technology: Cloud Technologies
Project: PTCentroDiH
Durations: +7 days

Training for 3D Designer jobs

The importance of information literacy of an individual nowadays shouldn't be particularly emphasized - continuous research of the portal show that over 70% of jobs published on the portal require basic computer skills and it is expected that in less than 10 years there will be only about 5% of jobs that will not require any IT literacy. At the same time, employees, primarily those working in administrative jobs, are exposed to an increasing number of work tasks for which faster (can) help them (better) knowledge of computer work. The training program is designed to provide the student with an overview of all the most important tools for working on a computer in a business environment and to prepare the student for further learning and training.
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Website Technology: SM/DT
Project: Orher
Durations: +7 days

Training Session on Additive Manufacturing for End Users

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for entities and professionals in the sector to get first-hand information on how to apply these technologies, gain confidence about their use and stay at the forefront of the industry´s future.
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Website Technology: Others
Durations: 1h to 4h

Photo by eMotion Tech on Unsplash

Training Session on Additive Manufacturing for End Users

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for entities and professionals in the sector to get first-hand information on how to apply these technologies, gain confidence about their use and stay at the forefront of the industry´s future.
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Website Technology: Others
Durations: 1h to 4h

Photo by Minkus on Unsplash

Training Session on Additive Manufacturing for Manufacturers

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for entities and professionals in the sector to get first-hand information on how to apply these technologies, gain confidence about their use and stay at the forefront of the industry´s future.
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Website Technology: Others
Durations: 1h to 4h

Training workhop +AGRO

Production processes in agrofood indutries; Occupational health and safety management system for agrofood industries; Energy efficciency in agrofood industries;
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Website Technology: IoT
Project: PTCentroDiH
Durations: 1h to 4h

Tranziția La Industry 4.0

Acest curs oferă răspunsuri și sugestii introducând cursantul în conceptul Industry 4.0 și în mecanismele care pot face tranziția către Industry 4.0. Numărul de locuri de muncă solicitate fizic sau de rutină va scădea, în timp ce numărul de locuri de muncă care necesită răspunsuri flexibile, rezolvarea problemelor și personalizare va crește. Cheia pentru susținerea dezvoltării acestor abilități în forța noastră de muncă este de a oferi acces la informații și de a construi o cultură de învățare continuă.
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Website Technology: SM/DT
Project: Tranziția La Industry 4.0
Durations: 4h to 8h

Trend Spotting – the discipline to stay ahead

Welcome to the most disruptive period in human history, called the 4th Industrial Revolution. It fundamentally alters every aspect of our live, society, business, economy and environment. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation everything we know beyond recognition across industries and boarders, unlike anything humankind has experienced before. Gain exclusive and actionable insight from the originator of the 4th Industrial Revolution himself Henrik von Scheel.
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Website Technology: Others
Project: Other
Durations: 1h to 4h